World Congress on Chemistry & Medicinal Chemistry 02 – 03 Sep 2020

"Exploring the deeper levels of Chemistry towards a Healthier life" The World's Largest Conference occurring every year and getting Million Impressions by global experts towards the field of Chemistry and Pharma, gathering the all department Chemists and Professionals to bring a transformation towards the enhancement of Chemistry AAC takes a pride to announce the 11th World Congress on Chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry on September 02-03, 2020 at Barcelona, Spain.A Gathering of experts to discover and “Exploring the deeper levels of Chemistry towards a Healthier life”, our speakers and participants avail chances to learn and share their knowledge among their global peers.Join prominent plenary sessions about relevant issues affecting chemistry and related science.Who Should Attend??Chemists & PharmacistsChemistry AssociationsLaboratories & Lab TechiesMedicinal Chemists & CliniciansHealthcare Scientists & ResearchersPost-doctoral & studentsProfessors & AssociatesDeans & Senior LecturersFaculty of Chemistry Highlights 300+ Presentations 25+ Exhibitors 900+ Delegates


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